Project Describtion Parallel Operation Switching Devices   PLC Matlab

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Operation Of Single Generator

 Any generator coubled to the bus must have addiational  instrument  .

Before starting the prime over  , make sure the generator breaker is open . and then close the disconnect

links the purpose of “disconnects” is to allow the complete isolation of the breaker from the bus for the purpose of test ,maintenance and repair.


The circuit breaker must always be opened0 before opening or closing the disconnect switch or links

Procedure For Single Generator Operation

1-make sure that the generator is open.

     2-close the disconnect link

     3-start the turbine or engine and bring up It to speed

     4-using the governer control switch ,adjust the frequency to the rated name plate  frequency

     5-adjust the automatic voltage regulator to obtain rated voltage

     6-close the circuit breaker manually or automatic


Procedure Of Parallel Operation

when the load On an  AC system exceeds the amount that can be supplied by a single generator

additational generator must be connected to the system to supply the required energy.

The incoming machine must be paralleled in a manner that enable each machine to supply its proper

Proportion of the active and re active power to the common load .


Condition For Parallel Operation

  The following condition must be fulfilled before an incoming alternator can but in parallel with bus bar :-

1-the voltage of the incoming machine must be the same as that of the bus  bar

2-the frequency of the incoming alternator must be the same as the bus bar frequency

3-the phase of the voltage of the incoming alternator must be identical with the phase of

the bus bar voltage with respect to the external circuit.

4-the phase sequence of the voltage of the incoming alternator must be the same as that of the bus bar voltage.


the condition of the same phase sequence is checked by the phasing out test during the commissioning  of the alternator .

 the other three condition have to be checked each time the alternator is to be put in parallel

 with the bus bar (this is done with the help of synchronoscope) .


The Procedure Of  Operation


 1-make sure that the breaker of the incoming machine is opened

 2- close the disconnect links 

 3-switch the turbine or engine and bring up to speed

 4-using the governer control switch . adjust the frequency of the  incoming machine  to approxmately   0.1 cycle higher than the bus frequency

 5- adjust the automatic voltage regulator so that the voltage of the incoming machine is approxmately to or slightly higher than the bus voltage

 6-switch the synchroscope to the incoming machine ,and adjust the frequency until the synchroscope pointer revolves slowly in the “fast ” direction

 7-close the circuit breaker at the instant of the synchroscope   pointer passing into  zero position

 8-turn the synchroscope  switch to “off”.

 9-turn the governer switch of the incoming machine to ”Raise ” and the machine in the bus to ”lower” until  the  (KW)  loaded  is divided equally between machines .


If the machine is not identical. the  (KW ) should be divided between the machine in

Proportion to their (KW) rating

10- if the power factor or the Kvar reading of to machine are not equally adjust the  var control .turning  that of the incoming machine in “raise voltage” direction and the other  in the “lower voltage” until they are  equalised .


in factories ,hotels, or large  shopes   which required two or three generator in parallel

the connecting load .its good operating practice to balance both the KW  and the  Kvar of loads in proportion to the KW ratings of the machine by doing so .transient over current and short circuit in the distribution system are shared by the generator reducing the probability of one generator tripping .the tripping of one generator due to over current

will throw the entire load on the remaining  unit or units causing them to trip  and blocking the plants


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